Portfolio > Cowboy Nute by Dave Snyder

Announcement card for Cowboy Nute
letterpress and collaborative wood engraving with David Wolfe
Cowboy Nute type on galleys
13.5 Monotype Caslon

July 2024: Cowboy Nute is currently on the press! Cowboy Nute is a prose poem by Dave Snyder that recounts the colorful and adventurous life of J. Lester Nute, a bootlegger and musician who lived under a sawdust pile in Ossipee, New Hampshire.

This book will be illustrated with five to six woodcut prints by Isak Applin and David Wolfe.

Edition: 30
Presses: 1840s Albion iron hand press
Typeface: Monotype Caslon, with hand drawn lettering on the title page.
Size: 10.25" x 7.25", approximately 32 pages long
Binding: case-bound in-house, several sets will be set available in sheets.

Paper and price are still being determined.

We'll regularly update this page as we progress. Send us a message via the contact page if you have questions about the project, or would like to join our mailing list.