Portfolio > Hexagon: On Truth, by Dave Snyder

Hexagon: On Truth, title page
letterpress and line block
5.5" x 10.5"
Hexagon: On Truth, pages 4 and 5
5.5" x 10.5"
Hexagon: On Truth, pages 6 and 7
5.5" x 10.5"
Hexagon: On Truth, pages 10 and 11
letterpress and line block
5.5" x 10.5"
Hexagon: On Truth, pages 16 and 17
5.5" x 10.5"
Hexagon: On Truth, colophon
5.5" x 10.5"

"I first read Dave Snyder's Hexagon: On Truth over ten years ago, and so the mirror of its pages, like the mirror of the telescope of its concern, has had time to gather time inside its persistent light. In ways as humble and gentle as the bees’ dear labor, Snyder creates a poem of metaphysical meditation in which the logic of the hive mirrors the logic of the universe, in which the desire to know demonstrates the pyrrhic end of knowledge, in which honey glows in the red-shift of all time, and the largest mirror reflects the largest gap. Lest that description sound dire, let me correct—this poem bears the burden of its pollen, bears the task of its light, with so much love and tender care it reminds us to cherish all the more what someday will not be there: the bees, the flowers, the field, the hand, the earth, the sun. We need this gentle reminder of loss to love fully what disappears." Dan Beachy-Quick

Images: 2 drawings, printed from line blocks, by Isak Applin
Edition: 110 copies letterpress printed on Zerkall Book paper
Typeface: Linotype Palatino
Printers: Isak Applin and David Wolfe
Size: 5 ½” x 5 ¼”, 22 pages

Hexagon: On Truth previously appeared in Quarterly West and the Best American Poetry: 2008. Our edition was published by the short-lived Stylite Press. A copy was recently acquired by the Joan Flasch Artists Book Collection in Chicago, where it may be read in the library by appointment.

Dave Snyder is a writer and grower living in New York City. His work has appeared in The Iowa Review, Colorado Review, Sentence: A Journal Of Prose Poetry, the Huffington Post, and Best American Poetry. He has worked as a farmer, English teacher, radio producer and cartographer.

Ordering Information: Hexagon: On Truth chapbooks are $18, plus $2 for shipping and handling in the U.S., and may be ordered by credit card or Paypal by clicking here.

Individuals who wish to pay by check or reside outside of the U.S. should email us at: isak (at) titanandweald (dot) com